Counting with coins

In Chloe’s room, we keep a piggy bank. And when we have leftover coins, we put them in together. She gets so excited for it.
Chloe is a pretty good counter considering she just turned 2 in July. She can count to about 12, although she often forgets 8. I decided a good way to practice counting while learning new words would be by counting up her coins.

I dumped out her coins onto the floor and let her touch them all.

Then, we started sorting the coins. I told her the names : nickels, dimes and quarters.
We laid the dimes in rows of 10, so we had to practice counting to 10 several times.

We rolled up the coins so that we can go take them into the bank. Chloe needed to help at that part too.

In the end, we rolled $17 worth of coins.

I’ll have to keep putting coins in her piggy bank because she loved this activity and will be excited to do it again!

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